Meeting Nutrient Needs After a Workout

Many athletes think about what they are eating before exercise to improve performance, but they don’t realize that what they eat afterwords affects recovery time and muscle development.  If carbohydrates are consumed immediately after a workout, they can enhance the rate that glycogen stores are made.  Use the following as a general guide if you exercise […]

Nutrition Needs During Exercise

If you are participating in endurance exercise that lasts longer than 1 hour, it can be helpful to include some carbohydrates during your exercise.  This has been found to help athletes run longer and harder during endurance activities and stop-and-go sports.  Eating carbohydrates during exercise is particularly helpful when you have low levels of muscle glycogen. How Can […]

Feeling Fatigued…Exercise May Help

Do you feel like your energy levels are low?  Next time you feel like you could use a pick-me-up, don’t reach for the “energy drinks” or sugary snack.  While these items may give you a “quick fix”, they will often leave you feeling even more tired about an hour or two later.  Instead, reach for […]

Calcium and Bone Health

One of the most important interventions in preventing bone loss is to ensure that your calcium intake is adequate.  The preferred method to meet your calcium needs is through food.  The following foods are good sources of calcium: All dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yogurt Some legumes such as soy, navy, pinto, garbanzo […]