Tips for Making a Lean Burger Flavorful and Juicey

It has been said many times that burgers are best if they are made from 80% lean ground beef because the extra fat makes them moist and juicy.  However, the added fat comes at a cost.  It adds a lot of extra calories and saturated fat which raises cholesterol levels and is not good for […]

Review of Apps to Track Food Intakes

In the Spring Issue of Food & Nutrition Magazine, there was a review of the 10 most popular, free weight-management apps.  Since more and more people are using smart phone, I frequently get questions about which apps are good to track intakes/calories.  So, I thought I would share the results of the review, which are […]

Call For Action: Medicare will Start Covering Weight Management. We Need Your Help to Get Dietitians on List of Covered Providers.

You may have heard on the news that Medicare recently made a decision to cover “Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Obesity”.  At first, I was very excited when I heard the news because I felt like it could help people get access to the education and support they need to lose weight.  However, after reading more […]