My Top Cereal Picks

When you walk down the cereal aisle in the grocery store it can feel completely overwhelming because there are so many choices.  To make things more confusing, things that appear healthy at first glance (like raisin bran, granola, etc.) are often loaded with added sugar and are high in calories when actually read the label.  To help, I have come up with some of my top picks which all have a “whole” grain as their first ingredient, > 3 grams of fiber, < 10 grams of sugar and < 200 calories per serving.  However, serving sizes do vary from one cereal to another, so you will still want to read the nutrition label to determine which one best meets your dietary needs.

Breakfast of Champions:

All-Bran Complete (Kelloggs) Fiber One Honey Clusters

(General Mills)


(General Mills)

All-Bran Original (Kelloggs) GoLean Original (Kashi) Mighty Bites (Kashi)
100% Bran Flakes (Post) 7-Grain flakes (Kashi) Shredded Wheat (Post)
Cheerios: Plain or MultiGrain

(General Mills)

7-Grain puff

(1 ½ servings)


Smart Start Strawberry Oat Bites (Kelloggs)
Corn Bran (Quaker) Heart to Heart Honey Toasted Oat (Kashi) Special K: Low Carb Lifestyle Protein Plus (Kelloggs)
Crunchy Corn Bran


Heart to Heart Warm Cinnamon (Kashi) Total

(General Mills)

Dora the Explorer (General Mills) Honey Kix

(General Mills)


(General Mills)

Fiber One (General Mills) Honey Sunshine (Kashi) Whole Wheat Biscuits: any flavor (Kashi)

Honorable Mentions

(Made with “whole” grains, 2 gm fiber, <10 gm sugar per serving)

Cheerios: Honey Nut, Berry Berry Burst, Yogurt Burst, Oat Cluster Crunch, Chocolate, Fruity

(General Mills)

Honey Bunches of Oats


