Simple Vegetarian Lunch Ideas

Coming up with healthy lunch ideas to pack can be a challenge for anyone, but if you are a vegetarian it can be even more difficult.  The following are some healthy vegetarian lunch ideas that are between 300-400 calories.  (Note- If you do not include dairy, you can substitute soy cheese and soy yogurt for […]

500 Calorie Meal Ideas

Planning healthy dinners can be very challenging.  Many people tell me that they struggle with putting an entire balanced meal together.  Many of us also get stuck in a rut making the same dishes over and over again which leads to boredom.  Trying new meals can keep things exciting and interesting and can help to […]

Supplements: Helpful or Harmful? Learn to Recognize the Difference

Americans’ spend 10’s of billions of dollars each year on dietary supplements.  Often, supplements are purchased based on exaggerated marketing claims made by the supplement manufacturers.  Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that the supplement industry is not regulated and that manufacturers do not have to prove that there is research to support the claims that […]

Help Get Menu Labeling into Movie Theatres

When you go to the movie theatre, the smell of popcorn consumes you when you walk in the door and can be very alluring.  However, would you still buy it if you knew that a large buttered popcorn often has over 1,600 calories, 126 grams of fat and 70 gm of artery-clogging saturated fat?  That […]

Soda Linked to Increased Blood Pressure

If you need yet another reason to stop drinking soda, then the results of a new research study may provide just that.  For a long time, we have known that soda consumption has been associated with weight gain and obesity which can lead to high blood pressure.  However, a new study found that regular soda […]