Coming up with healthy lunch ideas to pack can be a challenge for anyone, but if you are a vegetarian it can be even more difficult. The following are some healthy vegetarian lunch ideas that are between 300-400 calories. (Note- If you do not include dairy, you can substitute soy cheese and soy yogurt for […]
Author Archives: Amy
500 Calorie Meal Ideas
Planning healthy dinners can be very challenging. Many people tell me that they struggle with putting an entire balanced meal together. Many of us also get stuck in a rut making the same dishes over and over again which leads to boredom. Trying new meals can keep things exciting and interesting and can help to […]
Easter Candy Ideas That Won’t Leave You Scared to “Hop” on the Scale
When you’re trying to eat healthy, all of the Easter candy at this time of year can present a real challenge. Moderation is the key when trying to fit a sweet treat into a healthy diet. Check out “10 Easter Treats You Can Eat for 100 Calories” from This shows you how much you […]
Supplements: Helpful or Harmful? Learn to Recognize the Difference
Americans’ spend 10’s of billions of dollars each year on dietary supplements. Often, supplements are purchased based on exaggerated marketing claims made by the supplement manufacturers. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that the supplement industry is not regulated and that manufacturers do not have to prove that there is research to support the claims that […]
Help Get Menu Labeling into Movie Theatres
When you go to the movie theatre, the smell of popcorn consumes you when you walk in the door and can be very alluring. However, would you still buy it if you knew that a large buttered popcorn often has over 1,600 calories, 126 grams of fat and 70 gm of artery-clogging saturated fat? That […]
Vitamin D Recommendations Increased
For years, there has been debate as to how much Vitamin D is needed in the diet to prevent deficiencies, and recently the recommended levels were officially increased. The following chart reflects the recent changes: Age Group Previous Recommendation New Recommendation 1-50 years 200 IU 600 IU 51-70 year 400 IU 600 IU 71 years […]
Exercise Your Way to a Longer Life
Want to live longer? Here’s an interesting fact about exercise. A research study followed over 9,750 men over the course of 5 years. A maximal exercise test was done in the beginning and at the end of the study to determine fitness levels; the findings show a strong correlation between fitness levels and mortality rates. […]
Soda Linked to Increased Blood Pressure
If you need yet another reason to stop drinking soda, then the results of a new research study may provide just that. For a long time, we have known that soda consumption has been associated with weight gain and obesity which can lead to high blood pressure. However, a new study found that regular soda […]
Kitchen Tool Helps Cut the Added Fat and Calories
Portion control with fat can be an important part of weight management since fat is very high in calories. For example, a teaspoon of oil or a teaspoon of butter is approximately 50 calories. While olive oil, canola oil and peanut oil are much better for heart health then butter is, they are just as […]
Desserts that Will Warm Your Heart: All for Under 200 Calories
During the hot days of summer, a bowl of fresh berries with whipped topping can make a great dessert, but during these winter months, just the thought of a cold dessert can be enough to make you shiver. Warm up your dessert without packing on the winter weight by trying the following recipes which are […]