Healthy Pumpkin Recipes

Pumpkins aren’t just for making Jack O’lanterns, they also make great additions to recipes whether you are cooking or baking.  Pumpkins, a type winter squash, not only taste great in recipes but they are also packed with nutritional value and low in calories.  In fact, ½ cup of cooked pumpkin meat only has about 25 […]

Helpful Website When Dealing With Food Allergies

There are an estimated 12 million Americans who suffer from Food Allergies and an even greater number of people who have intolerances to certain foods.  The most common culprits are peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, eggs, milk, wheat and soy products.  Since many of these foods are abundant in our food supply, trying to eliminate […]

New Product: Create Your Own Gluten-Free Cereal

I just received an e-mail from Custom Choice Cereal, a company that makes Gluten-Free Cereals.  I had never heard of the company until today, but I think their product sounds interesting so I wanted to pass along the information for any of you with Celiac Disease or a gluten intolerance.  Custom Choice Cereal allows individuals […]

Drink Up to Slim Down

Something as simple as drinking two cups (16 oz) of water before meals could help with weight loss.  A recent study was done on 55-75 year olds who were classified as overweight or obese.  All individuals were instructed to follow a low-calorie/low-fat diet, and half of the individuals were also told to drink 2 cups […]

Most Americans Are Overeating Sugar, Are You?

I have written several times about the importance of limiting added sugars in the diet, and this month another article came out in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, once again confirming these recommendations.  “Added sugars” are defined as the sugar used in processed and prepared foods (i.e. sodas, cakes, ice cream) and the […]